In the early 19th century, the western world trembled with fear and excitement around new medical advances.
The medical horror, Frankenstein, was a bestselling novel and medical shows, in which physicians would electrify corpses, pull teeth, or peddle their “miracle cures”, drew huge crowds.
Players take the role of fraudulent doctors in this era, performing medical shows for the gullible public, and vying to become the most famous medical performer.
1 double-sided Action board, 1 Traveling locations board, 5 double-sided Character boards, 14 Traveling location cards, 5 Game start bonus cards, 36 Show cards, 30 player tokens (6 in each color), 10 Local Press tokens (2 in each color), 16 Shill tokens, 20 Medicine tokens, 16 Bribe tokens, 20 Equipment tokens, 7 Fame tokens, 12 Coin tokens, 3 “Closed” tokens, 8 Specialization tokens (2 of each kind), 1 Instruction booklet (EN/GE)